It may seem like a silly question and all, but lots of people actually do purchase fake high school diplomas online all the time. Some even do it unknowingly, thinking that they’re actually getting a legitimate diploma, while others do it with the intention of using the diploma to apply for a job or even, apply for college.

If you’re interested in getting yourself your own fake diploma, you may wonder, how easy exactly is it to spot a fake one from the real thing, and the answer is, it’s not that easy.

Referred to as novelty documents by the printing mills themselves, these diplomas look and feel realistic. Those selling them even use the actual parchment diploma paper used by colleges, universities and other educational institutions. They also use top quality printers, complete with stamps, seals and emblems, all in the effort to make the diploma look as authentic and as real as possible.

Using a Fake Diploma

At first glance, no one would suspect that your diploma isn’t even real and that’s exactly why you can use it to apply for a job or even apply for college. But, as far as background checks go, however, it’s a different story.

Do keep in mind that most companies these days, even small ones, outsource their background checks to more-specialized 3rd parties to check on their finalist candidates. Should you be one of those candidates, your fake diploma won’t really hold up once they start contacting the university and previous employers to verify the details found in your resume/CV.

Of course, there’s also the chance of the company not conducting an extensive background check. If you’re lucky enough, you might get shortlisted among their finalist candidates and may even get hired using your fake diploma.

Still, even when you’re hired for the job, there’s the risk of getting caught. If you are, then your professional career could definitely take a turn for the worse. Not to mention that using a fake diploma is illegal in most states, which means you could end up facing some pretty serious legal issues.

Remember hat even the so-called “diploma mills” will be the first to tell you that they do not, in any way, guarantee that their product will meet your needs. They are merely hoping that you would see that the potential value of the fake diploma outweighs any risks of owning and using one.

If you still didn't get that, it's their way of saying that they have no obligation to you whatsoever if you ever get caught using their fake diploma.

So be careful!